Monday, December 1, 2014

Into the Adventure

The Giver is a very interesting book that had made me think different about life. The main character is Jonas and he lives on a society were life is very different from ours. The society in which he lives is very harsh and it has many different rules that each citizen has as an obligation to follow. An example of a rule they have to follow is the twelve ceremony were each citizen is given an assignment according to what he is interested of spending in volunteer hours. Rules are the most important thing and no one should ever break them, but Jonas father did. What Jonas father does to brake a rule is that  after a while he brings a kid from the Nurturing Center so he can help him by feeding him, and what Jonas father does break is that he finds out the kid name that is Gabriel. Gabriel has something really bizarre for Jonas family that is that he is really similar to Jonas due to his blue eyes and almost all of the community has dark eyes. Jonas during his volunteer hours he meets a women called Larissa that gives Jonas a talk. In conclusion the Giver so far is an excellent book to enjoy reading about.

"But to be honest, Jonas," his father said, "for me there was not the element of suspense that there is with your Ceremony. Because when I was your age I was already fairly certain of what my assignment was to be (Lowry 14)" .
This book has many striking quotes but this quote made me think a lot on why Jonas father say this to Jonas. I have many wonders about this quote because I ask myself if Jonas father say this to Jonas to influence him on his choice on the twelve ceremony. I wonder that because I think Jonas father said this to him because he wants Jonas to be interest on a certain assignment in particular. So my question is if Jonas father say this to Jonas to make him think on an assignment in particular? .
This book chapters I have last read are really absorbing because they change your way of thinking to a different perspective. I predict that what is going to happen is that someway the community is going to change I don't know if Jonas will be the responsible about it but something will change. I think that because the society that Jonas live in has many rules and as Jonas father broke a rule I think that  many more rules in the future will be break and that will change the society. The Giver book is full of many shocking thinks that can change your thinking and as final thought I think that the giver is a great book to read.



  1. Berni I really enjoy reading you article because what you are saying is true. I like how you organized it. I like that its not to long making it boring to read, I also liked the image.

    1. Mateo, thank you for your comment I'm happy that you liked my post about the Giver because it is such a great book.

  2. Berni, I found myself thinking the same thing when I read what Jonas' father said to him to comfort him about the nerve-racking ceremony of twelve. what he said had no way of helping confort Jonas, we was talking about how he already knew what would happen with his future while Jonas has no idea what to do about his.

  3. Rafa, I'm glad you felt the same way about what Jonas father said to him about the ceremony of twelve. I also like your point of view of this scene it is a very clever way to think about it.
